From Vlogs to an Online Show

From Vlogs to an Online Show

In this video, I’m going to share 3 steps you can take to move your Vlog to an online show.


There is a big difference between a Vlog where you express your thoughts spontaneously and an engaging online show. They are both great options and I always recommend starting off with Vlogs to get your feet wet and get comfortable on video. But I always push my storytellers to upgrade their strategies and start creating shows that really get them passionate followers. This doesn’t mean that you need to be like Marie Forleo. This just means implementing some simple strategies in way that is aligned with you and your community.


So let’s jump in. The first three steps you can take are:

1. Create an editorial calendar. consistency and reliability are soo important on youtube. I recommend you pick a day and commit to releasing content at least every other week on that day. Then instead of thinking of topics on the fly as you are filming, brainstorm topics and schedule them out. That way when you film you aren’t wasting time thinking of topics and working out your ideas. Include when you will film and edit in this schedule. This will help you plan for launches or events as well, so you don’t have to worry about your videos when you are super busy with serving your clients.


2. Brand your videos. having a simple intro and outro graphic can work wonders. Add a simple lower third (that’s the text with your name and professional title) or on screen text graphics that reinforce what you are saying. Or even adding awesome thumbnails that match or slapping your logo onto the lower right hand corner throughout your videos. All of these things would match the colors and emotion of the branding of your business.


3. Have a consistent visual style. What I mean by this is just using the same background, colors, and style of shooting to your videos. So if for your Q&A videos you want to shoot them in front of your desk, then stick to that. And let’s say you switch to a softer living room background when you interview guests. Don’t let your constant change in scenery distract your viewers. Unless you use it to your advantage. One example is if your business or brand has an element of traveling. Then feel free to film videos in different locations as your travel.


For a bonus step check out my last video about creating structure and segments for your videos. 


Now let’s recap to go from Vlog to an online show:

1. Create an editorial calendar

2. Brand your videos

3. Have a consistent visual style


Now, I’d like to hear from you, what’s your biggest video question? Let me know in the comments below.


If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. If you want more, come on over and the Storyteller Circle, my private Facebook group filled with wonderful entrepreneurs like you that are looking for more support in crafting their video stories and an inspirational community. I adore the people in this group so I post some of my best stuff there. When you join you’ll instantly get a bonus gift “How to Reach, Grow & Teach Your Online Community With Video”. Just click the button below. And remember Tell Your Story. Inspire Action. Make a Change. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time! 

If you liked this post please comment and share. I’d love to hear from you.

Want to use video to grow your biz AND be of service like crazy?

Get your guide to pick and choose the types of video you’d love to create, get your tools, and start creating!

Engage Your Viewers with Video Segments

Engage Your Viewers with Video Segments

In this video, I’m going to share with you how to engage your viewers by adding segments and structures to you videos.


Have you ever watched TV shows and thought to yourself “oo I can’t wait until they get to the part when they talk about…” You’re looking forward to a certain part in the show. What most of us don’t realize is that TV shows have structures and segments, so that you know what’s coming in each episode.

Last Week Tonight is a great example. John Oliver starts off with a summary of the week, then he dives deep into one hot topic or issue for most of the show. During his discussion of this big topic he throws in a quick segment to lighten the mood with it’s own graphic like “the most patient man on Television”. And at the end you can almost always expect a funny song or piece of creative entertaining satire that he produced.

This is how you grow an audience of awesome fans and keep them coming back to watch more.


This is also how you take the step from a Vlog to a youtube show.

You can add segments to your youtube videos just on a much smaller scale since on youtube we are talking about 3­5 minute videos. So let’s say you are a wellness and nutrition coach, you can have a quick 5 seconds for your “food pick of the week” or if you are a business coach you can have your “favorite online tool of the week”.


Something else that you will definitely want to do is have categories or series of videos that your audience can expect to see on the same days with the same structure. So let’s say you are a conscious business coach and have 3 series on your YouTube channel “Tuesday Q&A”, “Marketing tips” on Wednesdays, and “Meditative practices” on Thursdays.


On my channel, I release a video every other Thursday and I have 3 series: “technical tutorials”where i show you step by step, usually in a screencast, how to do something technical related to video, “storytelling and editing quick tips” where I give a short tip that you can implement right away related to crafting video stories, and “online video strategy” where I explain concepts for you to think about and apply to your strategy.


Now, I want you to think about how you can add segments and structures to your videos. What’s one thing that you want your audience to expect from you? What kinds of series can you create?


Now, I’d like to hear from you, what’s your biggest video question? Let me know in the comments below.


If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. If you want more, come on over and the Storyteller Circle, my private Facebook group filled with wonderful entrepreneurs like you that are looking for more support in crafting their video stories and an inspirational community. I adore the people in this group so I post some of my best stuff there. When you join you’ll instantly get a bonus gift “How to Reach, Grow & Teach Your Online Community With Video”. Just click the button below. And remember Tell Your Story. Inspire Action. Make a Change. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time! 

If you liked this post please comment and share. I’d love to hear from you.

Want to use video to grow your biz AND be of service like crazy?

Get your guide to pick and choose the types of video you’d love to create, get your tools, and start creating!

How to Download Your Videos

How to Download Your Videos

In this video, I’m going to share a quick trick to get your videos from youtube and onto your computer.


One of the great features of hosting sites and specifically YouTube is that they allow you to download your videos once you’ve uploaded them. Now why would you want to do this?


1. You’ve lost the original video that you had saved on your computer and you need to edit

it again or upload it onto another hosting site

2. You had a google hangout and you want to edit it down or save it

3. You want to delete a video from youtube but you want to save it on your computer first


There are many more reasons that you might want to download your video from your hosting site.


So let me show you how to do it. It’s super easy. All you have to do is go into your video manager, find the video you want to download, click the little arrow next to edit and choose download mp4.


It’s that simple. Oh and another quick tip, use a computer plugged in via ethernet for a faster download.


You can also do this on Vimeo and Wistia. On Vimeo just click on the video you want to download and go to the download button right under the video.

On Wistia choose your video, then go to video actions and choose download.

I wanted to make sure you knew about this simple but awesome feature so you don’t freak out if you lose a file or just can’t figure out where to go to download your video.


Now, I’d like to hear from you, what’s your biggest video question? Let me know in the comments below.


If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. If you want more, come on over and the Storyteller Circle, my private facebook group filled with wonderful entrepreneurs like you that are looking for more support in crafting their video stories and an inspirational community. I adore the people in this group so I post some of my best stuff there. When you join you’ll instantly get a bonus gift “How to Reach, Grow & Teach Your Online Community With Video”. Just click the button below. And remember Tell Your Story. Inspire Action. Make a Change. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time! 

If you liked this post please comment and share. I’d love to hear from you.

Want to use video to grow your biz AND be of service like crazy?

Get your guide to pick and choose the types of video you’d love to create, get your tools, and start creating!

How & Why to Use Video with Your Team

How & Why to Use Video with Your Team

In this video, I’m going to share why you should be using video to educate and share

information with your team.


When you hire a team what are some of the issues you have:

  • holes in communication: whether that’s someone misunderstanding an email, not
  • knowing the specs of your branding, or missing steps in your processes
  • having to personally train everyone
  • keeping your team members excited about your goals


I’m sure there are more big and small. And most of the time it’s nobody’s fault. And There’s a

simple solution.



Here’s why using video in your team communication is great:

1. they save you time. You don’t have to teach each person step by step how to do something. Create a video once and you’re good to go. If there are any changes just adapt it and update your team. This is also great for questions you get asked a lot. Avoid having to write out an email a million times and just send them a video you already created.

2. you can break down really complicated concepts

3. you’ll avoid any major miscommunication. You can explain in your voice exactly what you mean and avoid false assumptions that often happen in emails



Think about creating a welcome packet for your new team members with videos that describe

important parts of your business.


And make it fun! What I don’t want you to do is make one of those corny videos from the 80s

that retail stores make their new employees watch for hours on end. This is about showing your

personality and how great your business is. Make them excited about working with you.



That’s why to get started I want you to create a video where you talk about three things:


1. your big why or purpose behind your business

2. who you are serving and the transformation your provide

3. your story


Think about it: What can video do to make communication in your team effortless?



Now, I’d like to hear from you, what’s your biggest video question? Let me know in the

comments below.


If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. If you want more, come on over and the Storyteller Circle, my private facebook group filled with wonderful entrepreneurs like you that are looking for more support in crafting their video stories and an inspirational community. I adore the people in this group so I post some of my best stuff there. When you join you’ll instantly get a bonus gift “How to Reach, Grow & Teach Your Online Community With Video”. Just click the button below. And remember Tell Your Story. Inspire Action. Make a Change. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time! 

If you liked this post please comment and share. I’d love to hear from you.

Want to use video to grow your biz AND be of service like crazy?

Get your guide to pick and choose the types of video you’d love to create, get your tools, and start creating!

Use Your Authentic Voice to tell Stories

Use Your Authentic Voice to tell Stories

“It’s not what happens to us in our lives that makes us into writers; it’s what we make out of what happens to us. It’s our distinctive point of view.”

What makes us different in our businesses, in the way we make an impact, and why we attract our dream clients is our distinctly unique and completely authentic voices. BUT it’s so hard to break down the barriers and allow our voices into our content. In a continuously evolving online space let’s take advantage of all of the content platforms and even create our own! Let’s share our wisdom and stories with those who really need it!

Lena Anani, Intuitive Book Coach, believes in being authentic authors in our businesses and fully experiencing purpose, play and profit.

In this episode of The Storyteller Circle, Lena will be talking about:

– Using your authentic voice to tell stories
– what your noteworthy wisdom is and why you should share it
– how to create the platform to share your wisdom
– A Tip for communicating with your audience

More About Our Guest: 

+Lena Anani  is an Intuitive Book Coach who helps healers, artists and coaches to write, publish, and promote their books in a way that is fun, easy, and magical.

Driven to create and cultivate authentic authors, you’ll find Lena Anani experimenting in her virtual laboratory, concocting colorful potions of noteworthy wisdom, and using the magical powers of creative collaboration with her beloved clients to help them fully experience the joy of purpose, play, and profit. She also loves alliteration and run-on sentences.

In her free time, Lena Anani likes to amuse herself with her furbaby child, let loose in her comedy classes, and belt out some heart-pounding gut-wrenching karaoke power ballads.

You can learn more about the magical madness that Lena Anani creates at and stumble upon her witty blog, inspiring podcast, and awesome freebies.

More About Dana Rivera:

Disney & Pixar freak, child of the 90s, vintage camera collector, and world traveler. Dana is a Video Editor & Video Vision Mentor at Dana Rivera Films. Before she started working with online women entrepreneurs crafting their video visions, she was a documentary filmmaker, creating online short films for nonprofits and corporations. She was on the front lines of crafting strategies for how video aligned with their core messages and principles, filming interviews and events, editing their content into meaningful finished videos and finally implementing plans for getting them in front of the right people. The results: Rapid growth of their youtube channel, increased awareness of their cause and mission in the community and jumps in reaching their fundraising goals.

But she had that big student debt number floating over her head, so she grew her business on the side to pay it down. And she fell in love with helping women conquer video.

She believes that Every person’s story matters. No matter how seemingly small or big, they all have an impact and deserve to be recorded.

Connect with Dana: 

The Storyteller Circle FB Group

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Will Periscope Replace YouTube? The Awesomeness of Live Streaming!

Periscope replay. Follow me at @danariverafilms to catch the live scopes!



If you want more tips to creating online video, download your guide to the Top 5 Video Tools that will help you make beautiful online videos for your business Or if you really ready to dive in join my free course to Amp Up You Online Video Presence. By signing up you’ll also get exclusive Tips, Tricks, How-to’s and my personal insights about editing and using Online Videomaking in your business that I only share with my VIP storytellers.

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