In this video, I’m going to share why you should be using video to educate and share

information with your team.


When you hire a team what are some of the issues you have:

  • holes in communication: whether that’s someone misunderstanding an email, not
  • knowing the specs of your branding, or missing steps in your processes
  • having to personally train everyone
  • keeping your team members excited about your goals


I’m sure there are more big and small. And most of the time it’s nobody’s fault. And There’s a

simple solution.



Here’s why using video in your team communication is great:

1. they save you time. You don’t have to teach each person step by step how to do something. Create a video once and you’re good to go. If there are any changes just adapt it and update your team. This is also great for questions you get asked a lot. Avoid having to write out an email a million times and just send them a video you already created.

2. you can break down really complicated concepts

3. you’ll avoid any major miscommunication. You can explain in your voice exactly what you mean and avoid false assumptions that often happen in emails



Think about creating a welcome packet for your new team members with videos that describe

important parts of your business.


And make it fun! What I don’t want you to do is make one of those corny videos from the 80s

that retail stores make their new employees watch for hours on end. This is about showing your

personality and how great your business is. Make them excited about working with you.



That’s why to get started I want you to create a video where you talk about three things:


1. your big why or purpose behind your business

2. who you are serving and the transformation your provide

3. your story


Think about it: What can video do to make communication in your team effortless?



Now, I’d like to hear from you, what’s your biggest video question? Let me know in the

comments below.


If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. If you want more, come on over and the Storyteller Circle, my private facebook group filled with wonderful entrepreneurs like you that are looking for more support in crafting their video stories and an inspirational community. I adore the people in this group so I post some of my best stuff there. When you join you’ll instantly get a bonus gift “How to Reach, Grow & Teach Your Online Community With Video”. Just click the button below. And remember Tell Your Story. Inspire Action. Make a Change. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time! 

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