“By understanding the story that we want to tell visually, we can use that to guide design choices of color, whitespace, typography, texture, proportion and hierarchy to powerfully communicate part of story without words.” – Webstandardsherpa.com

Stories are not just crafted through words, but also through visuals: video, photos, graphics, and design. The questions that need to be answered to create a Design (web, ebooks, graphics, branding) is so similar to those needed to create a story. 

– Who is the audience?
– What are your goals?
– What’s the flow?
– How do all of the pieces fit to tell the whole story?

+Sarah Hart, branding expert and web designer, believes in making connections over conversions and making a difference over dollars. She strives to build brands and designs that bring heart and soul into the world. And she does this by telling great stories.

In this episode of #TheStorytellerCircle , Sarah will share:

  • her story
  • how to put your whole self & story into your design
  • how to create an emotional connection with your community
  • the elements of the heroine journey
  • tips for translating your story into your website

    Uncover your brand legend with Sarah’s quiz:http://www.sarahhart.ca/blog/quiz/

More About Our Guest:

Visual branding expert & web designer at Sarahhart.ca, Sarah Hart, founder of Sarahhart.ca, is a web designer who helps lifestyle brands become absolute legends online. When she’s not design’n up a storm Sarah loves getting lost in the woods with her camera or relaxing with a cup of tea and a book on mythology. Are you totally website stuck? Take her Branding Quiz to reveal your brand style & get your free brand book at sarahhart.ca/quiz.

More About Dana Rivera:

Disney & Pixar freak, child of the 90s, vintage camera collector, and world traveler. Dana is a Video Editor & Video Vision Mentor at Dana Rivera Films. Before she started working with online women entrepreneurs crafting their video visions, she was a documentary filmmaker, creating online short films for nonprofits and corporations. She was on the front lines of crafting strategies for how video aligned with their core messages and principles, filming interviews and events, editing their content into meaningful finished videos and finally implementing plans for getting them in front of the right people. The results: Rapid growth of their youtube channel, increased awareness of their cause and mission in the community and jumps in reaching their fundraising goals.

But she had that big student debt number floating over her head, so she grew her business on the side to pay it down. And she fell in love with helping women conquer video.

She believes that Every person’s story matters. No matter how seemingly small or big, they all have an impact and deserve to be recorded. 

Connect with Dana: 

The Storyteller Circle FB Group


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