Today, I am going to reveal to you why you should write your scripts and then get them out of your way.


Since I started creating my own video blogs I started thinking about how long I was taking to write my scripts and then read them word for word to the camera. I watched my videos and I looked so stiff and not connected to my message and all of you. So I decided to actually take my own advice and I changed my process to this:
First, I still write out my script, that way I could have a pseudo transcript and text for my blog post. I can also organize my thoughts. I also mark where I could insert some B-Roll imagery. This lets me know what ideas I should get through completely without stopping and where I can pause.

Second, I pull out the important bullet points and make them bold and big. That includes my intro and call to action at the end.

Third, I put my script away!

When I film now, I have my bullet points on my handy ipad, next to me, just so I can refer to it. But I try my best to just get my thoughts out there and later in editing I can make sure I’m getting to the point and add all my graphics and B-roll.

This way I can get out of my head and into the moment of when I’m speaking with you.


BUT I still believe in writing scripts and planning so please keep doing this. Just put the script away when it’s time to film. With some practice this will make all the difference, in you coming across as genuine, caring and trustworthy. 

If you want more tips to creating online video, download your guide to the Top 5 Video Tools that will help you make beautiful online videos for your business Or if you really ready to dive in join my free course to Amp Up You Online Video Presence. By signing up you’ll also get exclusive Tips, Tricks, How-to’s and my personal insights about editing and using Online Videomaking in your business that I only share with my VIP storytellers.

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